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Textured vs. Smooth Implants: Which Option is Best for You?


    When undertaking breast augmentation surgery, there are several key choices to consider. Two of the main decisions you'll need to make include the implant filling (saline vs. silicone) and the implant outer shell.

    Understanding the difference - Textured vs. smooth breast implants

    Which type of breast implant feels the most natural?

    If your implant is placed correctly underneath the chest muscle and covered by adequate breast tissue, then it should be almost impossible to feel the difference between textured vs. smooth implants. With this in mind, many women and surgeons will opt for smooth implants to seek the most natural feel. 

    Many believe smooth implants feel more natural due to their softer shell and ability to respond to gravity. When you stand, the implant will drop slightly to a more teardrop shape, and when laying they can flatten and shift to the sides, just as natural breast tissue would do.

     Alternatively, textured implants have a thicker, firmer wall and are more likely to have palpable folds and ripples that can be obvious if you have a petite frame with limited breast tissue. If you opt for a teardrop-shaped implant, the thicker, textured shell will not change shape when laying down, which can look and feel more unnatural.

    Are breast implants safe?

    Both smooth and textured breast implants are generally safe, but you should understand the risks associated with each type before getting either.

    Smooth implants have a long history of safe use. Surgeons often choose smooth implants because they feel natural and move easily in the breast pocket.

    In contrast, textured implants have been linked to a rare cancer called BIA-ALCL. But it’s incredibly rare — the FDA found that only 1 in 355 to 1 in 30,000 patients with textured implants might get it. There is only one case of BIA-ALCL in a woman with smooth implants. If you catch BIA-ALCL early, your surgeon can treat it by removing the implant and the tissue around it.

    Health experts say you don’t need to remove your implants if you’re not having issues. But they want everyone with breast implants to know about BIA-ALCL. Talk to your surgeon if you notice any new swelling or pain in your breasts.

    The key to safe breast implants, whether smooth or textured, is working with a highly trusted surgeon. They should understand your medical history and surgical goals. With the right doctor and proper care, both types of implants can be a safe choice for breast augmentation.

    Risk of capsular contracture smooth vs. textured implants

    Once the implant has been inserted into the breast, a capsule made of soft, fibrous scar tissue will begin to form to help keep the implant in place. This scar tissue can be unusually dense and hard for some women, tightening around the implant to cause chronic pain and a distorted breast shape. This condition is known as capsular contracture, and recent data shows that textured implants have a slightly lower incidence rate than smooth implants.

    So which is better: Smooth or textured?

    Both smooth and textured implants can give you great results, but they have different strengths. 

    Smooth implants feel softer and move more like natural breasts. On the other hand, textured implants have a thicker shell and are less likely to move around in your breast. Some prefer textured implants for teardrop-shaped implants because they stay in place better.

    Your body type, skin, and the look you want all play a part in choosing the right implant. What works best for your friend might not be the best for you. Talk to a board-certified plastic surgeon in your area — they can help you pick the right implant for your goals.

    If you have any concerns or are considering breast augmentation surgery, be sure to book a consultation with Dr. Orloff at Burbank Plastic Surgery today.